Facebook Ads, Sales Funnels, and 


Constant Personal & Professional Training

Jared spends at least 2 hours daily on learning new material and refreshing existing knowledge.

Simple & Private Communication

All questions are handled in a private manner so you are free to share what you're thinking, even if it's just frustration.

Analysis of What Works & What Doesn't

Business Planning Sessions (favorite by Jared's clients) allow deep dives into what actually needs fixed and what to do.

Review & Suggestions For Business Growth

Facebook Ads are the "simplest" way to grow your business when it comes to paid marketing. We start there and scale up!

Jared's Focus is to see


The solution is custom to you and only you.

All suggestions and solutions made (even with Facebook Ads) are from standardized procedures and policies, even if the answer is a bit more custom to where you are. If Jared recommends it or comes up with a strategy that seems out of left-field, it's because he's either done it, he knows how to do it, or has been apart of projects that have done it.

In SIX Steps, Jared Builds Your Custom Solution

STEP #1: Acknowledge 

In order to solve any problem, we must start by realizing there *is* a challenge that we need to solve, even if we don't have an idea on "how" yet.

STEP #2: Honest Conversations

We now speak more honest with ourselves to see that we have a hurdle to overcome. But, before we even try to solve or come up with a solution...

STEP #3: Awareness

By becoming aware of the challenge, we can pay attention to what's happening that might be causing the root problem (This is key for Facebook Ads).

STEP #4: Start Taking Action

Now, we look at those triggers and come up with potential solutions to resolve them before they even happen. These are tiny actions (with Facebook Ads, it's realizing someone likes your image but not what you're saying).

STEP #5: Custom Solutions

We can find an answer by seeing things from the end and how perfect things we be. We know it'll *never* be perfect though we can figure out the closest thing to it. We keep walking backwards and see any gaps that we haven't uncovered, and then decide how to solve it.

STEP #6: Review The Wins; Repeat

There is *always* a win somewhere, even if it's not the end result we were hoping for. With Facebook Ads, it's not *just* the cost per acquisition or lead. Sometimes, it's reading the metrics to ensure the copy makes sense or the media is scroll-stopping enough. Then, we repeat the steps that will allow us to move forward!

How About Making Your Facebook Ads Better Right Now with "Facebook Marketing: Strategy & Tactics"!

One of the best "desk" books you can have.

Inside this copy of "Facebook Marketing: Strategy & Tactics", you'll have at your fingertips:

  • The ability to understand the truth behind the numbers in your campaigns and make *smart* data-driven decisions
  • The opportunity to build up a warm pool of prospects that are ready & willing to buy
  • The wisdom to realize you can test ads for as little as $5/day and *still* get results that grow your business and prove your offer

    Warning: Continued use of this reference guide may lead to stronger performing campaigns

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